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Contact: Tom Bradbury
(404) 879-5544
Released: 6/28/2005

SREB/BellSouth Foundation Alliance for Virtual Schools

NEW ORLEANS - In partnership with the BellSouth Foundation, the Southern Regional Education Board is launching a new alliance to help member states increase middle grades and high school students' access to quality academic courses through state-supported virtual schools.

Through a multiyear grant, the new alliance will help states focus on key policy issues, including quality online courses, quality teachers and funding. It also will provide extensive information and resources that states can share as they address the instructional, management and technical issues that are essential to the successful creation of a state virtual school.

The grant was announced here today by Louisiana Governor and SREB Chair Kathleen Babineaux Blanco. “This grant will send a message to the students, as well as to parents and teachers, about preparing for a world and society different from the past,” said Governor Blanco. “We are leading the nation in state virtual high school programs, and we want to keep it that way.”

Many state virtual schools in the U.S. are in the SREB region, and 14 of the 16 SREB states will have a virtual school by the end of 2005. A key reason for this leadership is the states' ability to work together to solve problems and share resources.

"Bellsouth has had a long history as a partner to education and working with the SREB," said Dick Anderson, Chairman of the Board, BellSouth Foundation. "And we look forward to working with SREB through this new alliance to help close the achievement gap by expanding student choice and access to quality online instruction."

About the BellSouth Foundation

The BellSouth Foundation is an endowed trust of BellSouth Corporation that is devoted to education in the communities served. Since its creation in 1986, the Foundation has funded over 622 grants and operated numerous special initiatives, with a total investment of more than $56 million. For more information about the BellSouth Foundation, please visit http://www.bellsouthfoundation.org.

The Southern Regional Education Board, America's first interstate compact for education, is headquartered in Atlanta. Its 16 member states are Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. For more information, see www.sreb.org.

For additional information, please e-mail communications@sreb.org