Dear Journalist,
You’re invited to join the Web-based presentation and discussion on the need for states and schools to improve career/technical education on Monday, May 12, at 10 a.m. EST. The Southern Regional Education Board will release a major new report on this topic during the event, held in conjunction with the Council of Chief State School Officers, live from the CCSSO headquarters in Washington. Those of you in the Washington area are welcome to join us in person at CCSSO, One Massachusetts Ave. NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC.
This event will give you information for a quick story on this topic and helpful background information and experts’ comments for a more in-depth piece. Speakers will include SREB Senior Vice President Gene Bottoms, CCSSO Executive Director Gene Wilhoit and Maryland Assistant State Superintendent of Education Kathy Oliver. Embargoed copies of the report, Crafting a New Vision for High School: How States Can Join Academic and Technical Studies to Promote More Powerful Learning, are available.
You can listen to the event via telephone, and watch the slide presentation on the Web. To register, RSVP by replying to Alan Richard, or call 404-879-5544 or 202-641-1300. Also, you can prepare for the event by clicking on the link below and registering anytime between now and the event. Follow the same link below just before 10 a.m. EST on Monday, May 12 (it's easy!):
Then click "Join Now." You will be instructed to dial a phone number to listen to the discussion. You can ask a question at the designated time by typing in your question at the bottom right of your screen; then you will be able to ask your question during the teleconference when prompted.
For questions about the event, contact Alan Richard, cell (202) 641-1300 or, or Kara Schlosser at Or call WebEx support at 1-866-229-3239.
The playback of UCF (Universal Communications Format) rich media files requires appropriate players. To view this type of rich media files in the meeting, please check whether you have the players installed on your computer by going to
--Alan Richard, SREB Director of Communications
P.S. Looking ahead, you are invited to two other important SREB events. More details will come soon:
The SREB Annual Meeting, June 30-July 1, 2008, Boca Raton, Fla. As SREB celebrates its 60th year helping states improve education, governors, legislators, state school and higher education chiefs, and others will discuss and hear from experts on crucial education issues, including: how states are faring on the SREB regional education goals students lack of college/career readiness, adolescent literacy, school leadership, student achievement, the need to raise high school graduation rates, educational technology and more.
The 21st Annual SREB High Schools That Work Summer Staff Development Conference, July 9-12, Nashville, Tenn. Join more than 7,000 teachers, principals and other educators from across the nation for hundreds of school improvement workshops, one of the largest and best gatherings for educators in the U.S.