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Contact: Alan Richard
(404) 879-5544
Released: 6/23/2009

SREB Tallies 456 Doctoral Program Graduates to Alleviate Minority Faculty Shortage

LANSDOWNE, Virginia — The SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program today will honor Dr. Christina Romagosa, a 2009 Ph.D. graduate of Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, as its 456th graduate at the SREB Annual Meeting in Lansdowne, Virginia. State legislators, policy-makers and education leaders from across the South will attend a luncheon where she is scheduled to speak.

The SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program was established in 1993 to address the long-standing national shortage of minority faculty members at institutions of higher learning.

To date, SREB has provided assistance and training to nearly 900 doctoral scholars to help them complete a Ph.D. and to encourage them to join the ranks of college faculty. Seventy-nine percent of program graduates now are employed in education, and 76 percent of them work in SREB member states.

Dr. Romagosa earned her Ph.D. in zoology. Previously, she received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in wildlife ecology from the University of Florida in Gainesville. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Auburn.

For more information about the doctoral scholars program, contact SREB Communications.

SREB, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization based in Atlanta, Georgia, advises state education leaders on ways to improve education. SREB was created in 1948 by Southern governors and legislatures to help leaders in education and government work cooperatively to advance education and improve the social and economic life of the region. SREB has 16 member states: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. For more information, visit www.sreb.org.

Southern Regional Education Board
592 10th Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318-5776
(404) 875-9211

For additional information, please e-mail communications@sreb.org