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Contact: Beth Day
(404) 879-5544
Released: 2/29/2012

MEDIA ADVISORY: "Disrupting Education"

IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 29, 2012

Contact: Beth Day, SREB Communications, (404) 879-5544 or beth.day@sreb.org

WHO: Southern Regional Education Board’s Educational Technology Cooperative

WHAT: "Disrupting Education: Depends on How You Look at It," Symposium on Virtual Teaching and Learning and SREB/iNACOL National Online Teacher of the Year announcement

WHEN: Thursday, March 1 (3 -9 p.m. ) and Friday, March 2 (8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)

Viewpoints: New Learning Models
, 4:15 p.m. Thursday

  • Belle Wheelan, President, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
  • Burck Smith, CEO, Staighterline
  • Gisele Huff, Executive Director, Jacqueline Hume Foundation

SREB/iNACOL National Online Teacher of the Year announcement, 7:30 p.m. Thursday , with Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, giving virtual remarks on online education

Webcast of awards ceremony (Session name: 2012 SREB-iNACOL NOTY)

Conversation with the 2012 NOTY finalists, 8 a.m. Friday

Debating Virtual Learning, 9 a.m. Friday

  • Michael Horn, Executive Director, Innosight Institute
  • Myk Garn, Director, SREB Educational Technology Cooperative
  • Full agenda (PDF)

    WHERE: Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway, 4711 Best Road, Atlanta, GA

    WHY: Virtual learning and ed tech leaders debate and explore K-20 innovation and change from multiple viewpoints: teachers, accrediting agency, entrepreneur, philanthropic investor and education reporters.

    Southern Regional Education Board
    592 10th Street NW
    Atlanta, GA 30318-5776
    (404) 875-9211

    For additional information, please e-mail communications@sreb.org